Meet the press: Promoting CMC research to mass media
The news media are always hungry for news – and CMC’s communication team wants to feed that need with stories...
The news media are always hungry for news – and CMC’s communication team wants to feed that need with stories...
Carbon Management Canada is providing travel subsidies of $700 to graduate students and postdocs travelling to its annual conference in Gatineau, QC on May 23 to 25. Funds are limited so apply …
This year, each of CMC’s 36 research projects is being asked to send a representative to give the CMC community an update on the status of their research. Because time is short, talks …
On February 23, 2012, a European Union (EU) drafting committee voted on a draft law that discriminates against bitumen. This was the Draft Implementing Measure to the European Union Fuel …
Canada moved forward on March 20, 2012 with its plan to advance clean energy technologies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
CMC Theme Lead James Meadowcroft has received a renewal as a Canada Research Chair for his important work on sustainable development policy. Meadowcroft’s research explores what governments …
A former graduate student working on a CMC-funded research project, Virginia Vera is the newest member of the exploration team at Apache Canada Ltd. Vera started her position as a junior …
Gordon McArthur co-founded, along with Dr. David Risk of St. Francis Xavier University and other graduate students, Forerunner Research Inc., a new scientific instrumentation and services …
The Registration Site for CMC’s annual scientific conference is now open. This year’s event is being held between May 23 and 25 at the beautiful Hilton Lac Leamy Hotel in Gatineau, QC. An …
Public awareness and acceptance of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as a tool to combat climate change is higher in Saskatchewan and Alberta than the rest of Canada, concludes a national …