Our mission
CMC is a leading specialist in advancing strategies and technologies for emissions storage, management and reduction that shape Canada’s low-carbon landscape. We support large-scale carbon management projects through innovation and applied research activities, with a focus on monitoring carbon in the subsurface, the validation and integration of fugitive emissions monitoring technologies, and the development of a skilled workforce through training, education and outreach.
Our vision
The widespread deployment of a thriving carbon management industry in Canada will drive deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Our business
CMC focuses on three priority areas:
Carbon storage
CMC enables and supports the deployment of large-scale carbon management projects in Canada through innovation and applied research programs and selected consultancy services in relation to geological CO2 storage (GCS) for CCUS, with a focus on the validation and integration of storage monitoring technologies. CMC’s in-house subsurface Containment and Monitoring Innovation (CaMI) team is globally recognized for their work on CGS monitoring technology, centred on our Newell County field research station (FRS) and supported by 23 industry partners.
Learn more about monitoring solutions.
Fugitive methane emissions management
CMC serves small and medium-sized enterprises at various technology readiness levels to learn, test, and commercialize innovative fugitive emissions reduction technologies. Through technology validation, CMC furthers industry standards for fugitive methane emissions reduction.
Find out how CMC manages emissions.
Public training, outreach and education
CMC is a leader in providing knowledge and information about the carbon management sector to local communities, stakeholders and invested parties. CMC develops content and provides training to support education and information-sharing, benefitting the development of Canada’s low-carbon economy.

CMC Operations
CMC has a comprehensive program that supports the advancement of carbon storage, fugitive emissions management and knowledge sharing and public engagement across Canada. CMC delivers its program through the following:
Carbon Management Canada’s Newell County Field Research Station
Many of CMC’s activities take place at the CMC Newell County Field Research Station (FRS) site near Brooks, Alberta, a one-of-its-kind facility, where we provide an accessible, world-leading field location to measure, monitor and validate low-carbon and emissions reduction technologies. At Newell County FRS, carbon dioxide is injected and stored at 300 metres deep in one of Canada’s three active carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. Findings at the Newell County Facility have greatly advanced the development of carbon storage and helped industries implement decarbonization strategies to meet their reduced emissions targets. The site is an ideal setting for education and outreach activities and is core to supporting CMC’s various carbon management programs and initiatives.
Visit Newell County FRS.
Joint Industry Partnership Program
CMC promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing, through a membership-based Joint Industry Partnership (JIP). The JIP provides comprehensive data, technology assessments and expertise to the CCUS sector for use by industry, policy makers and regulators, academia, researchers, and technology developers.
Learn more about membership in the JIP.
BC Research Facility
At the CMC Research Facility in Richmond, British Columbia, CMC partners with BC Research Inc. and work with innovators to design, build and test prototypes for demonstrations, assess technologies and provide training opportunities.
Find out more about carbon capture innovation support.

Our Team
Our team has over 150 years of experience in carbon capture, utilization and storage, reservoir modelling, sub-surface measurement, monitoring technologies, emissions detection, quantification technologies and measurement methodologies.
Get to know the team
Board of Directors
CMC’s Board of Directors reviews and approves our strategic direction; is responsible for our financial performance; and, is accountable for driving long-term success. Their diverse skillsets, experience, and areas of influence are critical in helping CMC meet its legal, financial and operational objectives.
Connect with our Board

Our history
Beginning in 2009, CMC was formed under the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence program which resulted in the formation of seven start-up companies, four patents, six patent applications, two invention disclosures and one license granted. Since then, CMC has been responsible for over 44 applied-research projects and trained over 5,000 high quality professionals. At the Newell County Facility we have demonstrated 64 prototypes and worked with 167 small to medium-sized enterprises.
Find out more about our history

At CMC, we offer advice and expertise on carbon capture, utilization and storage as well as measurement, monitoring and verification technologies. We look to attract those who are science-driven, collaborative and impact-focused.
Join CMC