Canadian CCUS Research and Technology Network

Carbon Management Canada (CMC) acts as a concierge to connect innovators and industry to organizations providing expertise with facilities and equipment to help demonstrate, scale and validate technology.

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About the members

InnoTech Alberta

Accelerates and de-risks CCU and hydrogen technologies through research development, and demonstration.

Download the InnoTech fact sheet
Visit InnoTech’s website

National Research Council

Accelerates developments from discovery to commercialization of new materials for zero-emission transportation fuels and chemical feedstocks.

Download the National Research Council fact sheet
Visit the National Research Council’s website

NRCan CanmetENERGY Devon

Lead innovation for the responsible development of energy resources, reduce carbon intensity of hydrocarbon products, and mitigate impacts to land, water, and atmosphere.

Download the CanmetENERGY Devon fact sheet
Visit CanmetENERGY Devon’s website

NRCan CanmetENERGY Ottawa

Lead the development of energy science and technology solutions for the environmental and economic benefits of Canadians.

Download the CanmetENERGY Ottawa fact sheet
Visit CanmetENERGY Ottawa’s website

Carbon Management Canada

Provides experience, applied research, knowledge, and infrastructure to accelerate greenhouse gas reduction and CCUS results.

Download the Carbon Management Canada fact sheet


Facilitates and manages projects that reduce the carbon footprint and increase the production of subsurface energy.

Download the PTRC fact sheet
Visit the PTRC website

Services and expertise

To connect technology developers in the CCUS space with the optimal testing and demonstration facilities and expertise, see the graphic below to understand the services and expertise available through each organization.


Have questions? Reach out.


We treat all application data with care and discretion but do not guarantee confidentiality. We will share your information with the Network partners as needed to match you with the most appropriate expertise/infrastructure. Please do not disclose any proprietary information, however, be as clear as possible about your technical and commercial needs so that we can assist you.



Business Description

What is your CCUS vertical? (check all that apply)(Required)
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