Ottawa, Ontario, August 28, 2013 – Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is looking for the next wave of innovative cleantech entrepreneurs. Its SD Tech Fund™ is open for applications from August 28th to October 16th, 2013.
“Cleantech is the key to bringing together economic prosperity and environmental responsibility, and is a cornerstone of what Canada has to offer its export market,” said Vicky Sharpe, President and CEO of SDTC. “Canadian entrepreneurs with new technologies and a compelling business case are encouraged to submit Statements of Interest to the SD Tech Fund™.”
On behalf of the Government of Canada, SDTC finances and supports the late-stage development and pre-commercial demonstration of clean technologies. Through its SD Tech Fund™, SDTC helps companies through the critical juncture when capital and scaling costs become challenges and the risk profile deters other investors.
SDTC supports technologies that address the challenges of Climate Change, Clean Air, Soil and Water, including technology solutions focused on these current technology priority areas:
- Unconventional oil and gas, and responsible natural resources development: Mitigate environmental impacts associated with Canada’s natural resource sector through technologies related to unconventional oil and gas, “green mining”, and forestry.
- Next generation transportation: Technologies related to next generation vehicles with reduced carbon footprints, including EV vehicle technologies, advanced trains and aircraft, or technologies related to EV and CNG/LNG infrastructure that will enable broad adoption.
- Energy efficiency: Technologies that encourage energy efficiency in buildings, industrial water use and industrial processes.
- Clean energy: Technologies that enable clean energy production, distributed power generation and energy storage. Technologies related to carbon capture and storage, integrated energy systems, and biorefinery/biochemical production.
- Agriculture: Technologies that increase yield and improve temperature and drought resistance of agricultural crops and mitigate land-use changes and biodiversity loss.
- Northern/remote communities: Innovative technologies and solutions for self-sufficiency in smaller communities, such as small scale waste-to-energy and microgrid applications.
The SDTC portfolio is currently comprised of 245 clean technology projects with a total value of $2.1 billion, of which over $1.5 billion is leveraged primarily from the private-sector.
SDTC will be travelling across Canada in September to present workshops in 13 cities.
Meet our team – tell us about your technology – and learn how to access SDTC support and funding.
Register at
About SDTC
On behalf of the Government of Canada, SDTC helps commercialize Canadian clean technologies, readying them for growth and export markets. With a portfolio of companies under management valued at more than $2 billion, SDTC is positioning cleantech as a driver of jobs, productivity and economic prosperity.
SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The NextGen Biofuels Fund™ supports the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels.
SDTC works with the private sector, the financial sector and all levels of government to meet the Government of Canada’s commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of life for all Canadians. SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation.
For more information on the application process, please contact:
John Adams
Director, Stakeholder Relations
Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Tel: 613.234-6313 ext. 234