The Climate Change Agenda: Canada, the Canadian West, Business, Markets and the Future
Canadian experts gather to discuss economic and business aspects of climate change at this Nov. 24 event. Register soon!
Canadian experts gather to discuss economic and business aspects of climate change at this Nov. 24 event. Register soon!
The UKCCSRC is very excited to launch the second call for applications to the UKCCSRC International Research Collaboration Fund. Click HERE for further details. This fund offers a mechanism for …
John Loughhead, CMC board member and Executive Director at the UK Energy Research Centre, is the UK's new Chief Scientific Advisor.
Author: Richard Adamson, CMC Managing Director Richard Adamson was in New York the week of Sept. 22 for meetings with Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project participants. At the same time, the UN …
One of the lasting legacies of Carbon Management Canada will surely be its interdisciplinary network of researchers, of research organizations, and of industry and government stakeholders. The …
Imagine a world where carbon emissions have been held low enough to keep temperatures below the 2˚C limit. Now imagine that same world as one in which foresight and early action have lead to …
Author: Nelia Jurado, PhD candidate, Cranfield University Nelia Jurado was part of a larger International Student Exchange operated in 2013 by CMC, the UK CCS Research Centre, the Australian …
What: CMC, UKCCSCR and CO2CRC joint reception When: 6:30 p.m., Monday, October 6, 2104 Where: Austin Convention Centre To register: Click here As part of the GHGT-12 conference in Austin, Texas …
Steve Larter's achievements in organic chemistry have recognized with the Alfred Treibs Award.
Source: Enviroline By Mark Lowey BANFF – Canada’s first research facility for monitoring carbon dioxide and other fluids injected underground will be developed in southeast Alberta, after a …