Cenovus releases Weyburn site assessment findings
The results an independent performance assessment of the protocols and practices in the Weyburn CCS project were released on December 12. The independent study was conducted by IPAC-CO2 …
The results an independent performance assessment of the protocols and practices in the Weyburn CCS project were released on December 12. The independent study was conducted by IPAC-CO2 …
The simplest, most effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to impose a tax on carbon, writes Dr. Shi-Ling Hsu in his recently published book The Case for a Carbon Tax: Getting past our …
May 23 to 25, 2012 has been set as the date for the next CMC Annual Scientific conference. To reflect the national nature of the network, the conference will change venues each year – with …
Recent media and political mumblings in Alberta raised the notion that commitments to investments in carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects might be diverted into other emission …
Carbon Management Canada is announcing a call for proposals for its third round of research funding. This call emphasizes research that has the potential to have major impact on greenhouse …
Cristian Ches, CMC’s new student representative on the Board of Directors, applied for the position because of a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the network and to society. “It …
CMC is proposing to offer a short summer course on carbon management in 2012 to our Highly Qualified Personnel (students and post docs). We invite your input on topics of interest, as well …
Two students working on CMC research projects have been selected to sit on the Highly Qualified Personnel Development Committee (HQPDC). Farid Ahmed, University of Victoria, and Maria …