The Carbontech Innovation System in Canada highlights areas of competitive advantage and factors that could place Canada in a leadership role in designing and supplying these technologies to global markets.
Download the Carbontech Innovation System
CarbonTech is a constructive solution to the pressing challenges of our time and has the opportunity to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. Canada is well positioned and leading development.
Download CarbonTech: A Primer on Carbon Capture, Conversion, Utilization and Storage Technologies
CCUS is a rapidly growing sector in Canada. CMC recently worked with Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service to develop a factsheet providing an overview of Canadian strengths and capabilities in CCUS.
Download the factsheet in English/Francais
An International Business Development Strategy was released to increase the competitiveness of Canadian CCUS companies on the global stage.
The “CCUS: The Case for Canada” Report demonstrates Canada’s unique opportunity in the CCUS landscape and the need to build on the established momentum from previous project investments by enabling policies and fiscal support.
Download the CCUS: The Case for Canada