University of Toronto has postdoctoral fellow and research engineering positions available with the Carbon Management Microfluidics team. These positions are part of a large effort, bringing together microfluidics, optofluidics and nanofluidics tools to (1) quantify CO2 transport and reactivity (2) develop new CO2 storage and oil recovery mechanisms (3) develop new monitoring techniques and down-hole fluid analysis methods, (4) screen for chemical and physical conditions at the pore-scale to increase the effectiveness of thermal oil recovery (5) perform fundamental studies of phase and transport phenomena in reservoir fluids.
Recent engineering and PDF alumni have gone on to academic positions and high-level industry positions in oil & gas research.
Selected links relevant to this position:
Applicants with Mechanical, Chemical or Reservoir/Petroleum Engineering backgrounds and excellent communication skills will be given top priority. Please send c.v. and transcripts to:
David Sinton Ph.D. P.Eng. Professor – Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Director – Institute for Sustainable Energy McLean Senior Faculty Fellow Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering | University of Toronto Tel 416.978.1623