Who: Dr. David Jones, British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Nottingham, UK
What: British Geological Survey near-surface gas monitoring for CO2 storage and other energy-related projects
Where: Room C128, University Research Centre, 3535 Research Road NW, Calgary
When: 2 to 4 p.m. MT, Thursday, October 15, 2015
Abstract: The British Geological Survey has been involved in near surface monitoring for CCS for the last 15 years and recently has become active in baseline studies for shale gas and in geothermal projects. An overview of the work will be presented in the context of UK and European developments in these areas and the associated research framework and projects. The focus of the talk will be onshore although the developing UK CCS projects all involve offshore storage. Much of our experience in monitoring has been outside the UK. It includes work on natural CO2 seepage sites in Europe and at large scale storage projects in Canada and Algeria. Given recent developments in shale gas in the UK we have become involved in studies on baseline conditions ahead of potential exploration and development of this resource. The University of Nottingham and BGS have recently established a GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) and I will introduce the GeoEnergy Test Bed site that is being developed by the Centre.
Bio: Dave Jones obtained a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Leeds and a DPhil. From Oxford University. He has been a researcher at the British Geological Survey for more than 35 years. During the last 15 years he has been involved in near surface monitoring for geological storage of CO2 largely through European projects such as CO2 GeoNet, CO2 ReMoVe and the CO2 Field Lab. This has included work at Weyburn and In Salah. In more recent years he has also developed an interest in the potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage (through projects such as RISCS) and in monitoring strategies (for example through involvement in a monitoring plan for the Vedsted project in Denmark).
To Attend: Please RSVP to Joan.Smart@cmcghg.com. She will leave your name at the front security desk for access. To reach her by phone: 403 210-7104.
To attend by conference call, please advise Joan and she will send the link.