Carbon Management Canada’s 3rd annual scientific conference is being held this year at the Westin Hotel in downtown Calgary.
The June 3-5 conference will integrate both the scientific conference and the industry forum. Originally scheduled for October 2012, the forum was postponed until 2013 so it could be held in conjunction with the annual conference.
“We thought it made sense to hold the Industry Forum when researchers, HQP and industry stakeholders were already in the same room. The timing will save travel costs for people coming from out of town,” says Richard Adamson, CMC’s managing director.
The forum will bring an exciting twist to the conference. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between researchers and technology developers and practitioners and end users.
“The focus of the scientific portion of the conference will continue to be on the progress being made by our investigators,” says Adamson. “But the forum will shine a light on the needs of industry stakeholders. We intend to provide a platform for industry to talk about the challenges it faces in terms of developing the technologies and policies to manage carbon emissions. And in turn, investigators will discuss and display potential solutions,” says Adamson.
The conference will bring over 200 of the network’s investigators, HQP and industry stakeholders to Calgary to share and network through poster presentations, workshops and panels.
“We are holding the conference in Calgary this year to attract more industry participants. It’s critical that we get our investigators and our stakeholders engaged with each other and Calgary is where most industry folks are working,” said Adamson.
Make sure to watch the CMC website for details about the program and registration.