B.C. Premier Christy Clark (centre) and CMC President Richard Adamson talk to researchers from the University of British Columbia.
B.C. Premier Christy Clark announced the province’s Climate Action Plan at the Technology Commercialization and Innovation Centre on August 19. While at the site, which will headquarter the Carbon Capture and Conversion Institute (CCCI) when complete, CMC’s President Richard Adamson toured Premier Clark through a number of displays that had been set up by researchers from the University of British Columbia and also by companies working on capture and conversion technologies.
At the site with displays were UBC researchers working with Drs. Naoko Ellis, Peter Englezos and David Wilkinson as well as representatives from FP Innovations, Mantra Energy Alternatives, Inventys and CarbonCure.
The Technology Commercialization and Innovation Centre is under construction and slated for completion in early 2017. When complete, a portion of the 40,000 sq. ft. facility will house laboratory, pilot plant and office space for the CCCI.