Title: Carbon Capture and Conversion Technologies: Innovations, Challenges and Solutions
What: Vancouver Enterprise Forum event
When: March 1, 5:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Where: VIFF’s Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver
Cost: $55 non-members
An exciting panel of experts from across Canada will be in Vancouver to discuss the technological and market challenges of developing capture and conversion technologies for large-scale industries.
As Canada and the rest of the world move to develop low carbon economies, there is an escalating need to find cost-effective technologies to reduce emissions from industrial sources and to develop ways to convert CO2 to high-value products. This panel will discuss efforts being made to support the development of novel carbon capture and conversion technologies and accelerate the pace of scale-up. The event is part of the Vancouver Enterprise Forum‘s schedule of ongoing talks aimed at bringing technology entrepreneurs together with the aim of stimulating collaboration and growth.
Learn more about the technical, economic and market challenges faced by funders, technology developers and industry as they work to improve the economics of capture and support the discovery of new ways to convert emissions into carbon-based products.
Richard Adamson, President, CMC Research Institutes
Eddy Chui, Director, Clean Fossil Fuels Group, CanmetENERGY
Brian Gregg, Manager, Global Research – Canada, General Electric
Jonathan Carley, Vice-President, Business Development, CO2 Solutions Inc.
Steve MacDonald, CEO, Climate Change Emissions Management Corporation
Nicholas McKenna, Vice President, Oil Sands Development & Subsurface, ConocoPhillips Canada
Evening’s Agenda
Registration and networking: 5 to 6 p.m.
Welcome, pitches, panel discussion: 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Networking and light lunch: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Speaker Biographies
Moderator: Richard Adamson, President,
CMC Research Institutes
Richard Adamson, President of CMC Research Institutes, has overseen the successful transition of CMC from an early-stage research network to a not-for-profit accelerating the movement of technologies into industry-ready solutions. Prior to joining CMC, Richard worked with Southern Research Institute’s environment and energy team, resulting in the Carbon to Liquids Development Center in Durham, N.C. hosting pilot-scale waste- and biomass-to-liquid (hydrocarbons) technologies. He has founded or worked with small and multinational technology companies ranging from lab, environmental remote sensing, and industrial process control instruments through to starting up a micro-turbine combined heat and power distributed micro-utility.
Eddy Chui, Director
Clean Fossil Fuels Group in CanmetENERGY, Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada
Eddy Chui is responsible for directing research on advancing technologies to enhance fossil fuel extraction and utilization in an environmentally responsible manner, with priorities on: steam, power and heat generation, and carbon capture, storage and utilization. He is also the Canadian representative in the International IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Program and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum. He has authored and co‐authored over 150 publications in international journals, conference proceedings, industrial reports and government departmental reports since receiving his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo in 1990.
Brian Gregg
General Electric, Manager Global Research – Canada
Brian is responsible for identifying new, adjacent market growth opportunities in Canada enabled by advanced technology. Brian leads GE’s Global Research efforts in Canada where GE is actively conducting joint technology development programs with multiple O&G and broader energy industry customers and partners. He has also been instrumental in developing and managing the recent GHG Ecomagination Challenges run by GE in collaboration with both Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) and Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions (AIEES). Brian previously led GE’s Customer Innovation Centre in Calgary through its first year of operations, and designed and led over 235 customer sessions ranging from broad, market development collaborations to specific commercial or technology development initiatives sponsored by GE Businesses experimenting with “in-market” collaboration/co-creation.
Jonathan A. Carley
Vice-President, Business Development, CO2 Solutions Inc.
Mr. Carley joined CO2 Solutions as Director, Business Development in May 2008 and was subsequently promoted to Vice President, Business Development in October 2008. In this role he leads the Company’s business development and government relations activities towards the commercialization of its technology in Canada, the U.S. and abroad. His career spans 18 years of progressive experience in the areas of business development, corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining CO2 Solutions, Mr. Carley was Director, Development & Projects for Permolex International, a leading Alberta based biofuels producer. Mr. Carley is a Member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Energy Research’s journal of Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization and is also an Expert Member of the technical committee for the development of ISO standards for carbon capture.
Steve MacDonald, CEO
Climate Change Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC)
Steve MacDonald is CEO for the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) and leads the CCEMC senior management team. Prior to joining CCEMC, Steve had an extensive career in the Alberta Public Service serving various ministries, including Treasury Board, Energy, Innovation and Advanced Education and Executive Council. He played a central role in the development of Alberta’s renewed climate change policy framework that establishes a comprehensive vision, strategies and outcomes to support environmental sustainability and economic growth for Alberta.
Nicholas McKenna, Vice President, Oil Sands Development & Subsurface, ConocoPhillips Canada
Nicholas McKenna is vice president, Oil Sands Development and Subsurface for ConocoPhillips Canada. As part of his accountabilities, Nick represents ConocoPhillips on COSIA’s Shareholder Steering Committee and oversees the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE on behalf of the COSIA participating member companies. Nick joined ConocoPhillips in 2007. Before that, he worked in a variety of consulting, engineering and supervisory roles for companies including McKinsey & Company, Technip, and Brown & Root Energy Services.
Nick is a native of Perth, Australia. He has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Western Australia, a master of science in System Design and Management, and a doctorate in Engineering Systems, both from MIT.