The world is a vastly different place than it was when we issued our February newsletter. There is no facet of life that has not been affected by COVID-19, and the only thing we can be certain of is that the future is not predictable.
Here at CMCRI, I am thankful to report that all of my colleagues are safe and healthy. Our staff are working remotely to continue advancing our mission to reduce industrial GHG emissions. There are, of course, activities we have to curtail – most notably hosting researchers at the Field Research Station and holding in-person workshops.
Our Field Research Station is designed for remote operations, and our subsurface monitoring program continues to operate as normal. We are currently injecting CO2 into the reservoir, monitoring results, and collecting data. Staff are analyzing findings and using this time to disseminate outcomes of the research programs at the Field Research Station.
Our Vancouver facility is closed to ensure the safety of our operating colleagues at BC Research. We have funding available through IRAP to assist small and medium sized companies working in carbon capture, conversion, and related areas that may be eligible to pay for technical paper studies. If you are in need of this kind of work, please give me a call to discuss the project and we’ll do our best to help.
In these unusual circumstances, it’s important to remember that emissions-reducing technology solutions will still be needed once the world returns to a new normal. CMCRI remains committed to supporting Canada and its industries in reducing carbon intensity, now and in the years to come.
Even though we are all self-isolated because of this pandemic, our individual experiences and struggles are unique and equally challenging. Take care of yourselves, your families and those you care about. Together we will get through this challenging time.
Brian Mellor
President and CEO